- appeared in St. Catharines Standard, 31 Mar 1926, p. 3. Date of Event: March 30, 1926 Obituary; He was rector of St. John's Church, Ancaster and one of the best known clergy in the Niagara Dioceseappeared in St. Catharines Standard, 31 Mar 1926, p. 3. Date of Event: March 30, 1926 Obituary; He was rector of St. John's Church, Ancaster and one of …
- appeared in St. Catharines Standard, 1 Apr 1926, p. 1. Date of Event: March 31, 1926 Survivor(s): Brownlow, Florence Carberry (wife); Brownlow, Florence (daughter); Brownlow, Robert (son) City of Death: Grantham Township, Ontario Obituary; He was born in St. Catharines 91 years ago,appeared in St. Catharines Standard, 1 Apr 1926, p. 1. Date of Event: March 31, 1926 Survivor(s): Brownlow, Florence Carberry (wife); Brownlow, Florence (daughter); Brownlow, Robert (son) City …
- appeared in St. Catharines Standard, 17 May 1926, p. 2. Date of Event: May 17, 1926 City of Death: Thorold, Ontario Obituary Notice; She is survived by her mother, and her three brothers, Edward, William and Samuelappeared in St. Catharines Standard, 17 May 1926, p. 2. Date of Event: May 17, 1926 City of Death: Thorold, Ontario Obituary Notice; She is survived by her …
- appeared in St. Catharines Standard, 3 Apr 1926, p. 1. Date of Event: April 2, 1926 Survivor(s): Clutterbuck, Jessie (daughter); Dewey, Wm. Mrs. (daughter); Clutterbuck, Harry (son); Clutterbuck, Perry (son); Clutterbuck, Charlie (son); Greenlaw, Frank Mrs. (sister); Cabillton, Janeappeared in St. Catharines Standard, 3 Apr 1926, p. 1. Date of Event: April 2, 1926 Survivor(s): Clutterbuck, Jessie (daughter); Dewey, Wm. Mrs. (daughter); Clutterbuck, Harry (son); Clutterbuck, …
- appeared in St. Catharines Standard, 17 May 1926, p. 5. Date of Event: May 16, 1926 Survivor(s): Wilson, Seymour James (son); Paxton, Chester Mrs. (daughter); Wilson, Geroge B. (brother); Wilson, Allen N. (brother) Place of Burial: Victoria Lawn Cemetery, St. Catharines, Ontario Obiappeared in St. Catharines Standard, 17 May 1926, p. 5. Date of Event: May 16, 1926 Survivor(s): Wilson, Seymour James (son); Paxton, Chester Mrs. (daughter); Wilson, Geroge B. …
- appeared in St. Catharines Standard, 3 Apr 1926, p. 1. Date of Event: April 1, 1926 Survivor(s): Payne, Thomas (husband); Payne, Irene (daughter); Payne, Marjory (daughter); Payne, Phillip (son) City of Death: St. Catharines, Ontario Place of Burial: Victoria Lawn Cemetery, St. Cathappeared in St. Catharines Standard, 3 Apr 1926, p. 1. Date of Event: April 1, 1926 Survivor(s): Payne, Thomas (husband); Payne, Irene (daughter); Payne, Marjory (daughter); Payne, Phillip …
- appeared in St. Catharines Standard, 5 Apr 1926, p. 1. Date of Event: April 3, 1926 Survivor(s): Baker, Edward Mrs. (daughter); Sister Magdelena (daughter); Cassidy, Phillip (son); Cassidy, James (son); Cassidy, Edward (son); Cassidy, Joseph (son); Cassidy, Francis (son); Cassidy, Pappeared in St. Catharines Standard, 5 Apr 1926, p. 1. Date of Event: April 3, 1926 Survivor(s): Baker, Edward Mrs. (daughter); Sister Magdelena (daughter); Cassidy, Phillip (son); Cassidy, …
- appeared in St. Catharines Standard, 5 Apr 1926, p. 1. Date of Event: April 3, 1926 City of Death: Grantham Township, Ontario Place of Burial: McNab Cemetery Obituary; He was born in Grantham Township and died on the farm where he lived for the past 55 years; He had worked as a survappeared in St. Catharines Standard, 5 Apr 1926, p. 1. Date of Event: April 3, 1926 City of Death: Grantham Township, Ontario Place of Burial: McNab Cemetery Obituary; …
- appeared in St. Catharines Standard, 5 Apr 1926, p. 1. Date of Event: April 3, 1926 Survivor(s): Brown, Agnes Muir (wife); Brown, Jessie (daughter); Brown, James (son); Brown, William A. (son) City of Death: Stamford Township, Ontario Obituary; For many years he had specialized in tappeared in St. Catharines Standard, 5 Apr 1926, p. 1. Date of Event: April 3, 1926 Survivor(s): Brown, Agnes Muir (wife); Brown, Jessie (daughter); Brown, James (son); Brown, …
- appeared in St. Catharines Standard, 5 Apr 1926, p. 2. Date of Event: April 5, 1926 Survivor(s): Swan, J, Mrs. (daughter); Calder, A. Mrs. (daughter); Martin, J. Mrs. (daughter); Ward, Richard (son); Ward, George (son); Ward, John (son) City of Death: St. Catharines, Ontario Place oappeared in St. Catharines Standard, 5 Apr 1926, p. 2. Date of Event: April 5, 1926 Survivor(s): Swan, J, Mrs. (daughter); Calder, A. Mrs. (daughter); Martin, J. Mrs. …
- appeared in St. Catharines Standard, 5 Apr 1926, p. 2. Date of Event: April 3, 1926 City of Death: Thorold Township, Ontario Thorold' Column; Obituary; He was well known in the township having lived there many years; He is survived by his wife; His daughter predeceased himappeared in St. Catharines Standard, 5 Apr 1926, p. 2. Date of Event: April 3, 1926 City of Death: Thorold Township, Ontario Thorold' Column; Obituary; He was well …
- appeared in St. Catharines Standard, 7 Apr 1926, p. 1. Date of Event: April 6, 1926 Survivor(s): Oddie, Annie (wife); Alton, Earl Mrs. (daughter); Foster, Carlton Mrs. (daughter); Oddie, Viola (daughter); Oddie, Thomas (father); Oddie, Thomas Mrs. (mother); Oddie, John (brother); Odappeared in St. Catharines Standard, 7 Apr 1926, p. 1. Date of Event: April 6, 1926 Survivor(s): Oddie, Annie (wife); Alton, Earl Mrs. (daughter); Foster, Carlton Mrs. (daughter); …
- appeared in St. Catharines Standard, 7 Apr 1926, p. 2. Date of Event: April 6, 1926 Survivor(s): Hall, James (husband); Hall, James (son); Hall, Harry (son); Hall, Fred (son) City of Death: Merritton, Ontario Obituary; She was a well know resident of Merritton having lived there forappeared in St. Catharines Standard, 7 Apr 1926, p. 2. Date of Event: April 6, 1926 Survivor(s): Hall, James (husband); Hall, James (son); Hall, Harry (son); Hall, Fred …
- appeared in St. Catharines Standard, 7 Apr 1926, p. 2. Date of Event: April 7, 1926 Survivor(s): Tremain, Acie (husband); Morris, John Mrs.(daughter); Driff, Samuel Mrs. (daughter); Davidson, Earl (son); Davidson, Edward (son); Shelly, J. (father) Place of Burial: Victoria Lawn Cemeappeared in St. Catharines Standard, 7 Apr 1926, p. 2. Date of Event: April 7, 1926 Survivor(s): Tremain, Acie (husband); Morris, John Mrs.(daughter); Driff, Samuel Mrs. (daughter); Davidson, …
- appeared in St. Catharines Standard, 28 May 1926, p. 1. Date of Event: May 28, 1926 Survivor(s): White, A. Mrs. (sister) City of Death: Niagara Falls Obituary Notice; He is survived by a wife, three sons, and two daughtersappeared in St. Catharines Standard, 28 May 1926, p. 1. Date of Event: May 28, 1926 Survivor(s): White, A. Mrs. (sister) City of Death: Niagara Falls Obituary Notice; …
- appeared in St. Catharines Standard, 9 Jun 1926, p. 2. Date of Event: June 8, 1926 Survivor(s): Taylor, William J. (son); McCulloch, R. D. Mrs. (daughter); Niles, P. Mrs. (daughter); Hargreaves, J. Mrs. (daughter); Sloan, W. J. Mrs. (daughter) Place of Burial: Lakeview Cemetery, Thappeared in St. Catharines Standard, 9 Jun 1926, p. 2. Date of Event: June 8, 1926 Survivor(s): Taylor, William J. (son); McCulloch, R. D. Mrs. (daughter); Niles, P. …
- appeared in St. Catharines Standard, 9 Jun 1926, p. 2. Date of Event: June 8, 1926 Survivor(s): Darby, Peter (husband); Darby, Grace Anna (daughter); Pattison, Mrs. (sister); McPherson, Samuel (brother) City of Death: Grantham Township, Ontario Place of Burial: Victoria Lawn Cemeteappeared in St. Catharines Standard, 9 Jun 1926, p. 2. Date of Event: June 8, 1926 Survivor(s): Darby, Peter (husband); Darby, Grace Anna (daughter); Pattison, Mrs. (sister); McPherson, …
- appeared in St. Catharines Standard, 2 Jun 1926, p. 2. Date of Event: June 1, 1926 Survivor(s): Vallelle, J. Mrs. (daughter); Warner, A. Mrs. (daughter); Simpson, A. Mrs. (daughter); Warner, O. Mrs. (daughter); Sutherland, T. Mrs. (daughter); Wilson, William (son); Wilson, Don (sonappeared in St. Catharines Standard, 2 Jun 1926, p. 2. Date of Event: June 1, 1926 Survivor(s): Vallelle, J. Mrs. (daughter); Warner, A. Mrs. (daughter); Simpson, A. Mrs. …
- appeared in St. Catharines Standard, 14 Jun 1926, p. 2. Date of Event: June 13, 1926 Survivor(s): Clark, Susan (daughter); Clark, Bella (daughter); Clark, Richard (son); Clark, James (son); Clark, Frank (son); Clark, Thomas (son) City of Death: Merritton, Ontario Place of Burial: Vicappeared in St. Catharines Standard, 14 Jun 1926, p. 2. Date of Event: June 13, 1926 Survivor(s): Clark, Susan (daughter); Clark, Bella (daughter); Clark, Richard (son); Clark, James …
- appeared in St. Catharines Standard, 14 Jun 1926, p. 2. Date of Event: June 13, 1926 Survivor(s): McLean, John (husband); McNulty, Joseph Mrs. (sister); McLean, Winnifred; McLean, Thomas (son) City of Death: Merritton, Ontario Place of Burial: Victoria Lawn Cemetery, St. Catharines,appeared in St. Catharines Standard, 14 Jun 1926, p. 2. Date of Event: June 13, 1926 Survivor(s): McLean, John (husband); McNulty, Joseph Mrs. (sister); McLean, Winnifred; McLean, Thomas …