Posted by [Name Withheld], 5 December 2019 at 18:16
My guess would be Lakeside Park in Port Dalhousie, the end of the line for one of the two NS&T lines that went out to Port, the line that delivered people to, and picked them up from, the lake steamers. This is a shot in the dark, but take a look at the lower right corner of the top photo on page 248 of the latest edition of Mills' Niagara, St. Catharines & Toronto Railway (385.065 MIL) -- the little wooden walkway crossing the tracks, similar to what those women are standing on in this mystery photo.
Thanks for the information. AV.
Posted by Donald Alexander, 13 December 2019 at 13:13
Confirming that this is very likely at the Port Dalhousie Park terminal point: Notice that the train car is an "excursion" car with individual openings to seating
at each seating row. The excursion cars ran from St. Catharines to Port Dalhousie.
They were also used on Grand Trunk railroad connections to Niagara Falls and Fort Erie racetrack. (all in warm summer weather of course)
The Grand Trunk Railroad developed Port Dalhousie Park and built steamships to link the Park with Toronto. The Fort Erie racetrack was another railroad promoted destination.
Thanks for the additional information. AV.
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My guess would be Lakeside Park in Port Dalhousie, the end of the line for one of the two NS&T lines that went out to Port, the line that delivered people to, and picked them up from, the lake steamers. This is a shot in the dark, but take a look at the lower right corner of the top photo on page 248 of the latest edition of Mills' Niagara, St. Catharines & Toronto Railway (385.065 MIL) -- the little wooden walkway crossing the tracks, similar to what those women are standing on in this mystery photo.
Thanks for the information. AV.
Confirming that this is very likely at the Port Dalhousie Park terminal point: Notice that the train car is an "excursion" car with individual openings to seating
at each seating row. The excursion cars ran from St. Catharines to Port Dalhousie.
They were also used on Grand Trunk railroad connections to Niagara Falls and Fort Erie racetrack. (all in warm summer weather of course)
The Grand Trunk Railroad developed Port Dalhousie Park and built steamships to link the Park with Toronto. The Fort Erie racetrack was another railroad promoted destination.
Thanks for the additional information. AV.
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