Posted by Naomi Barr Roberts, 11 September 2015 at 17:54
Jane Vanderlip and John H Martindale are my GG grandparents. They had a son named Joseph Maitland Martindale who married Adella C White. They had a daughter named Ruth Emilie Martindale who married Elsner William Barr. They had a son named Martin Dale Barr who is my father. I am looking for more information about both John and Jane's families. I know Jane's father was Joseph Vanderlip.
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Thank you for your query about the Vanderlip and Martindale families. We try to reserve this space for comments regarding the notice in question so I will be sending you a reply through the St. Catharines Public Library Special Collections email account soon.
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Jane Vanderlip and John H Martindale are my GG grandparents. They had a son named Joseph Maitland Martindale who married Adella C White. They had a daughter named Ruth Emilie Martindale who married Elsner William Barr. They had a son named Martin Dale Barr who is my father. I am looking for more information about both John and Jane's families. I know Jane's father was Joseph Vanderlip.
Good Afternoon, Thank you for your query about the Vanderlip and Martindale families. We try to reserve this space for comments regarding the notice in question so I will be sending you a reply through the St. Catharines Public Library Special Collections email account soon. Thanks, S.E.Comments may be edited for appropriate language and HTML.
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