Posted by James Houghton[son], 10 August 2017 at 11:50
i love you and miss you very much Dad. also to add to my fathers record is that he was very talented and worked at many place such as lock one dry docks,whiting equipment,E.S.Fox and where he started out at in Guelph,On at a company called and still running today Durose welding and fabrication company. thanks
Posted by James Houghton[son], 10 August 2017 at 11:50
i love you and miss you very much Dad. also to add to my fathers record is that he was very talented and worked at many place such as lock one dry docks,whiting equipment,E.S.Fox and where he started out at in Guelph,On at a company called and still running today Durose welding and fabrication company. thanks
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i love you and miss you very much Dad. also to add to my fathers record is that he was very talented and worked at many place such as lock one dry docks,whiting equipment,E.S.Fox and where he started out at in Guelph,On at a company called and still running today Durose welding and fabrication company. thanks
i love you and miss you very much Dad. also to add to my fathers record is that he was very talented and worked at many place such as lock one dry docks,whiting equipment,E.S.Fox and where he started out at in Guelph,On at a company called and still running today Durose welding and fabrication company. thanks
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