Dorothy Fairfield was my grandmother. She died of the Spanish influenza, on a train going to Winnipeg, my father Herbert Fairfield, her oldest son was 5 years old at the time and was staying with his grandparents. Her youngest son was an infant under one year old. Dorothy's maiden name was Goodman. Her surviving children went to live with the Goodmans in Grimsby, Ontario. Herbert Fairfield died in 1983 in California of congestive heart failure. Herbert, had three children, Roland, Diane and Marilyn. Roland died in 2008 in California.
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Dorothy Fairfield was my grandmother. She died of the Spanish influenza, on a train going to Winnipeg, my father Herbert Fairfield, her oldest son was 5 years old at the time and was staying with his grandparents. Her youngest son was an infant under one year old. Dorothy's maiden name was Goodman. Her surviving children went to live with the Goodmans in Grimsby, Ontario. Herbert Fairfield died in 1983 in California of congestive heart failure. Herbert, had three children, Roland, Diane and Marilyn. Roland died in 2008 in California.
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