This obituary should somehow be linked to the following obituary Schram, John Mr. (Died on September 17, 1851)
appeared in St. Catharines Journal, 25 Sep 1851, p. 3. They are husband and wife. Her name was Margaret Staufer. According to her husband's Land Petition in 1797 her father was Henry Staufer. It was from the 1851 Canadian Census where she is found residing with her son Jacob Schram in Gainsborough that her first name was discovered to be Margaret. On that same census record John Schram is recorded as a 96 year old male death. Where Margaret was buried is unknown at this time.
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This obituary should somehow be linked to the following obituary Schram, John Mr. (Died on September 17, 1851)
appeared in St. Catharines Journal, 25 Sep 1851, p. 3. They are husband and wife. Her name was Margaret Staufer. According to her husband's Land Petition in 1797 her father was Henry Staufer. It was from the 1851 Canadian Census where she is found residing with her son Jacob Schram in Gainsborough that her first name was discovered to be Margaret. On that same census record John Schram is recorded as a 96 year old male death. Where Margaret was buried is unknown at this time.
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